Ornaris Zürich 2025
Spielwarenmesse Nürnberg 2025
die neuen kleinen Musikdosen…

The new small music boxes...

Unsere neusten Produkte die neuen kleinen Musikdosen…Die hochwertig verarbeiteten und neu gestalteten Musikdosen
gibt es mit vielen verschiedenen Motiven. 
Ob im Souvenirbereich oder für`s Kinderzimmer – die kleinen Musikdosen sind optisch wie auch akustisch sehr...

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Switzerland Magnete

Switzerland magnets

Unsere neusten Produkte Artikel 6800 “Switzerland-Magnete“Viele bekannte Sehenswürdigkeiten der Schweiz sind auf diesen Magneten abgebildet. Ein schönes Andenken vom letzten Urlaub oder Besuch in der Schweiz ist mit diesen Magneten garantiert. Diese Magnete gibt es in...

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Products made in Switzerland

Own production

Swiss products

Select woods

Natural materials

Local workmanship

Swiss souvenirs

Swiss timber

Educational and entertaining

Atelier Fischer GmbH

A Swiss family-owned enterprise, the company was established in 1975 and occupies a firm position in the toy sector. Superior-quality games and handicraft products are manufactured with loving attention to detail, each unique in its natural, distinctive design. Our extensive experience with different materials and special production techniques enables the achievement of first-rate workmanship and a perfect print on wood. All our wooden toys are Swiss Made, as they are 100% products of our workshops. Games from Atelier Fischer have a timeless quality and are both educational and entertaining. They promote children’s creativity, while at the same time being just as loved by adults. Many of our products are available in the most diverse countries and regions, as they are distributed all over the world. The company’s head office is in Schwarzenburg, 20 km south-west of Bern in Switzerland. It is a peaceful, beautiful region at the foot of the Alps, predominantly agricultural and offering a wealth of interesting and varied leisure and recreational activities. The passion and delight we take in handicrafts and attractive products will continue to be our motivation in the future when it comes to maintaining the excellent quality of our games and, together with our affectionate regard for tradition and Swissness, ensure that we remain something very, very special indeed.


Products from Atelier Fischer are genuinely Swiss Made, being 100% manufactured in our company. We can control and check all our production processes personally, thus guaranteeing finished products of a high degree of quality and reliability. All our games are designed and drawn with loving care on the basis of our own ideas. This makes them unique and distinctive in terms of design and craftsmanship. A lot of handicraft skill is invested in our products, thus assuring that they will remain unique in future and never become mass-produced articles. We believe it is extremely important to ensure that the materials used come from fair and sustainable production. All the wood we use is certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). And we go a step further with the “Schweizer Holz” label with which our company is certified. We purchase all our solid timber from Swiss forests in the immediate region, a material which we select personally. This guarantees an excellent quality of wood and short transportation routes, and we will continue to make every effort to ensure that these natural resources are used economically and with the greatest of care.

Foundation Bernaville in Schwarzenburg

The valuable cooperation we have enjoyed for many years with the Stiftung Bernaville foundation has enormous advantages which all involved can profit from. We are delighted that people with disabilities are actively involved in the manufacture of our products and can offer us support during different production processes. Wooden boxes and picture books are assembled to our specifications and a variety of sanding work performed in the Bernaville workshops. They can be relied upon to deliver clean, precision work every time, and they take pride in the fact that they have contributed with their work to the creation of a beautiful product.

Atelier Fischer GmbH

Höhe 19
3150 Schwarzenburg
Tel: 0041 (0)31 731 25 33
Fax: 0041 (0)31 731 27 74
E-Mail: info@atelierfischer.ch


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